por Vamoss
Publicado 4anos, 10mesesatrás
Este artigo apresenta leituras que dialogam com os temas Arte e Tecnologia.
Inclui livros, artigos e links. Instruções de como contribuir no final do texto.
Patrícia Oakim
O livro é resultado da pesquisa de mestrado de Patrícia Oakim, encontramos um olhar retrospectivo da relação entre arte e programação. Traz reflexões sobre um mundo permeado de softwares e as transformações culturais causadas pela informatização acelerada. Contribui também com dados e reflexões sobre as comunidades de Programação Criativa no Brasil e no mundo.
Jason Bailey
Trechos favoritos:
Flash helped create a new breed of artist/developer, unschooled in traditional computer science and unafraid to dive in and experiment by sharing code and learning by doing.
John Maeda started a project called Design by Numbers at the MIT Media Lab (...). He recruited several students to help work on it, including Ben Fry and Casey Reas, who eventually built a robust programming language that they would call Processing.
Artists’ interest in AI took off after computer scientist Ian Goodfellow released his seminal paper outlining the concept of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in 2014.
Many artistic processes can be described as algorithmic. Artists follow sequences or steps in the production of their own work. Often what makes one artist’s practice more interesting than another’s is spontaneity, a willingness to challenge their own system. Sometimes, it is computerized tools that make this leap possible.
Liz Stinson
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Code is a tool—a string of numbers, glyphs, and letters that when arranged in a particular order can be wielded like a screwdriver. But code is a visual medium, too, like illustration or sculpting, that in the right hands can create something optically evocative. Poetic, even.
trecho 2
Arlindo Machado
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Paul A. Fishwick
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Aesthetics stems from the Greek aisyhtikh´ aisthitiki, derived from aisthesis (i.e., perceived by the senses). Plato’s aesthetics revolved around his forms, and Greek society stressed mimesis (i.e., imitation, mimicry) as central to art’s purpose. Within the continuing history of aesthetics, prior to Kant’s Critique (1790) and including Baumgarten’s (1750) introduction of aesthetics as the science of the beautiful, art and aesthetics have not been well connected.
Computing is associated with computer science, witch includes (ACM and IEEE-CS) discrete mathematics, theory of computing, programming languages, data structures, AI, HCI, operating systems, computer graphics, computer simulation, and computer vision.
Aesthetic Computing is defined as "the application of the theory and practice of art to the field of computing.
The ‘‘Subject/Medium’’ filter suggests that we are not using the computing discipline strictly to generate tools, but rather to provide a raw medium or the subject material for art.
If the challenge for art is learning to live with utility as almost a revisiting of the Greek concept of techné, the challenge for computing is to recognize that the interface should be as much about quality as it is about quantitative performance.
Klaus Krippendorff
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Vilem Flusser
Neste livro Flusser transcorre sobre a nossa capacidade de questionar o que produzimos através de ferramentas complexas(caixas pretas). Ele fala mais especificamente da máquina fotográfica, mas podemos ler máquina fotográfica como a Programação, Design ou qq outra ferramenta/processo.
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Kevin Hartnett
Acredito que seja assim que nos sentimos quando colocamos a aleatoriedade(random) no código no código?
Que propriedade estética estamos dispostos a abrir mão para a aleatoriedade?
Abrimos mão do controle para dar mais dinamismo ao comportamento do programa.
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“The nice thing about randomness is that you can do things like averaging,” Thiffeault said. “Averaging is a very robust idea in the sense that it doesn’t care about many of the details.”
“A little randomness allows you to smear out the difficulties,” Punshon-Smith said.
Carlos de Oliveira Junior
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Kylie A. Peppler e Yasmin B. Kafai
Trecho favorito:
Paul Fishwick
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O processo é colaborativo e em construção.
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## Titulo
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* *trecho 2*